Thursday, February 2, 2017

Maniifesting My Destiny

  I read magazines while my son sleeps or while he's at his grandma's.  Parents, SHAPE, allure, BGH, and Family Circle are the magazine subscriptions I currently receive. 
    As I was reading the Jan. edition of Family Circle I came across an article that stated if I took time to journal what I wanted as if I've already gotten them, then it will come true.  As strange as that sounds, I've heard that from other sources as well.  So, I've decided to give it a go:
   I first want to say:  I can't believe my plushies have been SO popular!  I wouldn't have dreamed that I'd made $1000 dollors in a month!  I'm SO busy with orders!  But I'm happy!  My wish is to make enough money to be a Stay at Home Mom (SAHM).  I can finally quite my 9-5 and stay at homw with my son,  Hurray!

Monday, January 16, 2017

Poud Mommy Mondays (1/16/17) Proudest Moment

 So, I'm going to start something new.  Proud Mommy Mondays.  If Any mommy out there wishes to join in, just email a link to your Proud Mommy Monday posts to me.  I'll link you up! If anyone wishes to do a graphic for this, let me know.

    People ask me, "Megan what's your Most Proud Moment?"
If I was in a different spot in my life, I'm positive the moment would have been different. Plus, I would have to think about it longer.   However, I didn't even have to think twice this time around.
My Most Proud Moment is:

You guessed it!  My proudest moment is my baby boy!